Chemical risk training

Chemical Risk Training: Keep Your Products Safe!

Why This Matters
Did you know 1 in 4 product recalls in the EU is because of bad chemicals? This isn't just about money; it's about keeping people and nature safe. Some folks don't know about these risks, but our training can help.

What You'll Learn
Know the Rules: Learn the simple do's and don'ts about chemicals in your products.
Stay Safe: Find out what papers you need to show your product is safe.
Spot the Bad Stuff: Learn to see which materials might have harmful chemicals.
Pick the Right Partners: Learn how to choose partners who follow safety rules.

What’s Inside Our Stuff?
From kids' toys to shirts and pots, things we use every day might have bad chemicals. These chemicals make products look or work better, but they can be dangerous.

Join Us and Be Ready
When you know more, you save time and make better choices.

Sign Up Now!
1 session price: €395
Package price: €550

Pay before your training starts or within 14 days. Prices don't include tax. Our 2015 rules apply.

Stay safe, make smart choices, and keep your products recall-free. Join us NOW!

Select Training Date(s)

Chemical Risks part 1/2 (basics)

Date: Feb 26 | Time: 09:30 - 13:00

Presenter: René van Gemert

Consumenten worden regelmatig blootgesteld aan chemische stoffen die in alledaagse consumentenproducten zitten of die uit producten vrij kunnen komen. Chemische stoffen in deze producten mogen geen gevaar voor de volksgezondheid en het milieu opleveren. Deze training gaat over wettelijke eisen die betrekking hebben op chemische stoffen in consumentenproducten en hoe je chemische productveiligheid moet aantonen.

Chemical Risks part 1/2 (basics)

Date: Feb 27 | Time: 09:30 - 13:00

Presenter: René van Gemert

Consumers are frequently exposed to chemical substances present in or released from everyday consumer products. These substances should not pose a risk to human health or the environment. This training covers the legislative requirements related to chemicals in consumer products and how to demonstrate product compliance.

Chemical Risks part 2/2 (advanced)

Date: Mar 19 | Time: 09:30 - 12:30

Presenter: René van Gemert

Consumentenproducten worden gemaakt van diverse materialen, zoals plastic, hout, textiel, karton, enzovoort. Chemische stoffen kunnen om verschillende redenen, bedoeld of onbedoeld, in materialen aanwezig zijn. Ze kunnen bijvoorbeeld worden gebruikt als grondstoffen in het fabricageproces of aan het materiaal worden toegevoegd om bepaalde eigenschappen of functies te geven. Het eindmateriaal kan ook onbedoeld verontreinigd zijn met chemische stoffen. Deze geavanceerde training gaat over de risico's van de aanwezigheid van chemische stoffen in materialen die worden gebruikt bij het vervaardigen van alledaagse consumentenproducten.

Chemical Risks part 2/2 (advanced)

Date: Mar 20 | Time: 09:30 - 13:00

Presenter: René van Gemert

Everyday consumer products are made from materials such as plastic, wood, fabric, paperboard, etc. Chemicals are present in these materials for various reasons, such as being constituents in the manufacturing process or additives to achieve certain functions or properties. Traces of chemical substances used during manufacturing may also unintentionally remain in the finished material, where they no longer serve a purpose. This advanced training covers the chemical product compliance risks associated with materials processed in everyday consumer products.

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