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We released our Dashboard functionality

Several of our customers requested us to develop a solution to have insight in their compliance data to support decision making. We created a new Dashboard to do just that.

With the Dashboard, you can step up your game as it provides insight into critical metrics such as risks, supplier performance, and operational performance. The dashboard fits well within our strategy to be more than a compliance tool and become an integral part of our customers' business decision-making.

It is exclusively available to our Enterprise users

This functionality is specially developed for and exclusively available to our Enterprise customers. It strengthens the value of our Enterprise offering.


Not an Enterprise customer yet? Learn more on how to become one

If you do not have an enterprise account but are curious about this new tool, you can find more information here {link}. Please reach out to your sales contact, directly or via, if you are interested in upgrading to Enterprise.


Find out how the Dashboard works and start using it

View the dashboard tutorial for a complete overview of the possibilties and how the added value of the dashboard is influenced by the way you work with the ProductIP platform.


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