By default, searching on the technical files page check many fields in your technical files.
But sometimes you may want do a specific search.
We added some context search words to do this for specific fields.
You can use them in the "Find" field above the table on the technical files page or in the "Text filter" field of a custom technical files search tab.
Here are some examples:
creator:"John Doe"
Shows only files that have been created by John Doe (*)
tag:"Winter 2019"
Shows only files that have tag Winter 2019 (*)
tag:!"Summer 2019"
Shows only files that do not have tag Summer 2019 (*)
Shows all files having an article with purchase order number 12345
Shows all files having an article with barcode 12345
Shows all files having an article with batchcode 12345
requirement:"EN 60335-2-33"
Shows only files that have requirement EN 60335-2-33 in their requirement list (*)
fulfilled:"EN 60335-2-33"
Shows only files that have requirement EN 60335-2-33 and is fulfilled (*)
unfulfilled:"EN 60335-2-33"
Shows only files that have requirement EN 60335-2-33 and is unfulfilled (*)
notapplicable:"EN 60335-2-33"
Shows only files that have requirement EN 60335-2-33 set to not applicable (*)
(*) the filter uses partial matching, i.e. EN 60335-2-33 matches with EN 60335-2-33:2013 and EN 60335-2-33:2016
You can also find these examples on the custom search tab dialog, below the "Text filter" field.