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Unsafe by design: Laundry pods


Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging (CLP) of chemicals states that their packaging shall not have either a shape or design likely to attract or arouse the active curiosity of children or to mislead consumers. Neither shall it look like foodstuff which would confuse consumers.

General Product Safety Regulation (EU) 2023/988 lays down the essential rules on the safety of consumer products, providing for a high level of consumer protection. Such a high level of safety must be achieved first and foremost by the design of the product. When assessing whether a product is safe, particular attention should be paid to vulnerable consumers such as children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

Laundry pods look exactly like sweets. And although the risks are mentioned in advertisements, and steps are taken to keep them out of reach of children, the hazard remains. And with that, preventable accidents.

This week, The Guardian published an article about an elderly woman with dementia who died after eating laundry pods she may have mistaken for sweets because of their packaging.

One wonders if there is even just one valid reason to ignore all the above and bear the sad consequences.

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