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Do you want to save time and reduce stress when working on product compliance?


Precisely what the newly released ProductIP functionality offers. 

The EU legislative framework for non-food product compliance is based on self-assessment, backed up by a scheme with Notified Bodies for medium and high-risk products. Following the steps in the framework leads to an assumption of conformity with essential requirements. Therefore, you must demonstrate to market surveillance authorities that you have done what you should have done BEFORE placing the products on the market. That is why ProductIP is as it is. We didn't invent the framework; we automated it; we ensure that we log your activities in a timeline, that you will be able to demonstrate your efforts today and in the coming ten years, and much more.
We have improved efficiency and overview!
We continuously develop and release new functionality. The driver for those innovations is a mix of applicable legislation changes and the valuable feedback we get from you, the ProductIP users. The core of your work is collecting and reviewing compliance evidence so you can use it to sign off on the comprehensive and monitored ProductIP requirement checklist. We have just launched a new functionality that enables you to
  • review technical files better
  • review technical files faster
  • improve internal reporting on the lack of progress
  • instantly see if your work with this file is ready
How do we achieve it?
Instead of focusing on legislation, we focus on underlying evidence. What do you want to have? And do you have it?
Imagine looking not at the legislation but at the underlying compliance evidence. Now you rank evidence into three different categories:
  • high-risk: absolute must-have
  • medium-risk: also relevant
  • low-risk: nice to have
Each technical file instantly shows you how many kinds of compliance evidence are missing. We are counting down from the high-risk via the medium-risk to the low-risk categories. No internal discussions. No discussions with suppliers. Define what you need to have and stick to the plan!
Start creating your Product Compliance Maturity model!
Use this new functionality to organise maturing of your organisation and your suppliers into all that is legally required. How? 

This document risk category list is most likely different for supplier-product combinations. You can now create such lists in your ProductIP account and use them for various purposes:
  • Maturing suppliers into your approach to product compliance with ProductIP; Different lists for suppliers with different maturity levels.
  • Special projects. For example, trade shows or seasonal promotions severely impact your business when they would go wrong.
  • Or create specific lists for essential customers with special requirements.
Different projects with different lists. Providing focus. Clear to everyone involved. Inside and outside your organisation.
We imagine you want to learn about this great new functionality, so we have created a video for you.

Please read all about it in ProductIPedia.

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