Product Compliance Resources provided by ProductIP

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How we help you inside the ProductIP platform

Did you know we do not only provide assistance inside ProductIP Online Academy? We also provide help inside the ProductIP platform. 

The Help and instructions button is here to provide you with additional information based on where you are in the platform. You can find the button in the top right of the screen.

By clicking on the Help and instructions button, a small window opens. Here we provide you with useful instructions, links to valuable resources and what possible next step to do could be.

For example:

  • Showing you links to instructions on how to reach your goal on this page.
  • Providing you links to articles which can improve your knowledge about Product Compliance
  • Showing you what your next steps could be towards reaching your goal

If the window does not give you the information you are looking for, it always provides you a link to search for your answer inside ProductIP Online Academy.

Log-in to ProductIP and find out for yourself how we help you

Help and instructions screen shot


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