National Chemical Restrictions - Sweden
In Sweden no articles may be sold, imported or exported if they contain certain chemicals.
Sweden has additional national rules restricting certain substances in chemical products and articles in addition to existing European restrictions on chemical substances.
The Chemical Products (Handling, Import and Export Prohibitions) Ordinance (1998:944) contains national requirements on:
- cadmium in fertilisers
- chlorinated solvents (methylene chloride, trichloroethylene or tetrachloroethylene)
- mercury and articles containing mercury
- ammunition containing lead
- detergents containing phosphate
- certain other products and articles hazardous to health and the environment, such as matches, drain cleaning products and car care products containing methanol.
Most of these requirements apply ONLY to products which are not covered by specific European legislation, like REACH, Food Contact legislation, Cosmetic Regulation or RoHs.
For example electronic products covered by the RoHS restriction on mercury do not have to comply with the national Swedish provisions on mercury, just like packaging in scope of the European Packaging Directive and batteries in scope of the European Battery Directive.
For more details please visit the website of the Swedish Chemical Agency (KEMI)
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