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Another SVHC brings the total to 241


The SVHC Candidate List now includes 241 substances

On June 27th, 2024, ECHA added another substance to the SVHC Candidate List, it contains now 241 substances. 

The most recent addition concerns chemical substance Bis(α,α-dimethylbenzyl) peroxide or dicumyl peroxide, with identifiers (EINECS) EC 201-279-3 and/or CAS 80-43-3.

Information on the use of the product can be found in its Substance Infocard in the ECHA library.

All Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) can be found in the Candidate List on the ECHA website. The inclusion of new substance(s) in the Candidate List is the result of a consultation process. ECHA, the European Chemical Agency, collects feedback from interested parties and then decides about the addition of new substance(s) to the Candidate List. 

Details on the steps that led to the addition of Bis(α,α-dimethylbenzyl) peroxide can be found in  ECHA Decision D(2024)4144-DC of 18 June 2024.

Obligations are effective immediately

ECHA reasons that the consultation period preceding the decision provides sufficient time to prepare.

The obligations apply to all SVHC that are present in an article above 0,1 % weight-weight (w/w). If this is the case for one or more of the (new) SVHC then:

  • The “information” obligation and submittal of information to the SCIP database is required immediately. 
  • The same applies to the “communication” obligation: a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) must be available immediately.

Only for the “notification” obligation - for SVHC’s in quantities of more than one tonne per year - there is a period of maximum six months after inclusion to submit the notification to ECHA.

More information on the obligations such as the SCIP database can be found on ProductIPedia as well.


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