In the documents tab you can upload your documents.
Also the documents you request from your supplier, can be viewed here.

Once you have uploaded your documents, You can click on a document to open it in special viewer to read your document and use our Match It! tool to link you requirements.

Your collected evidence has to be linked to requirements.

Match It! provides a solution for this. This tool scans your documents and suggests which requirements it can be linked to.

How to use Match It!:

  1. Open a document by clicking on it. This opens a special viewer for your document.
  2. Click on the 'Edit metadata' button to add the information that you see as relevant for structuring your documentation (Setting an expiry date will alert you in the future)
  3. Click on the green 'Match It! to requirements

Important note:  In case the document type cannot be scanned the document category will be used to create a suggestion.

Adjust the selection if you think it should be adjusted and choose the blue button to link the document to the selected requirements. Choose the green button if the document provides sufficient evidence to fulfil the requirement

The redaction tool. Learn how to hide information for when you share a file or document.

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Set permissions for your documents.

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It is possible to upload your own documents and photos (jpg/png/pdf) to your account, which can be used for importing future technical files. 

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